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inspirational poetry



Shattered Innocence


Written in poetry and prose to express the challenge to survive a violent marriage, which became the journey to discover that God wills only happiness; a journey to understand the meaning of forgiveness is not equal to the sacrifice of "self-hood" or "self-esteem" or "self expression." A violent marriage became a journey within the heart to grow expanded spiritual understanding. "I was practicing my forgiveness to demonstrate my willingness" and sacrificed the well-being of my entire family and myself. Such so called thoughtful action was indeed thoughtless for everyone participating in "The Violent Dream."
inspirational poetry
Contemplation For Transformation

The teachings of Jesus have been lost in a story about His life. Here are Bible Scriptures and the teachings of Jesus presented that demonstrate His mission on earth was to reveal the Love of the Creator for all of creation. A focus on the life He lived and His teachings.
A fresh approach to God the Father through understanding, compassion, and Love.
Includes poetry, prose, affirmations, and comments from the author.
A useful bridge for traditional Christianity and New Thought. Dynamic and transformative.
inspirational poetry
Only Love Is Real, Only Love Remains
During my time living with my mother's progressive dementia, I lived mostly in isolation with her, care-taking her 24-7. I did not have my long time friends around me, friendships that had been developed over many, many years.
Some friends fell by the wayside, the time and distance between us proved too long. Most friends back home were more than happy to receive my calls and provide their love and support. They were a part of a life line to sanity for me, as were the phone conversations and visits from my children and grandchildren.

I am grateful to my eldest son for being here to assist me. He would listen to me. He lived in the same world that I did. She would listen to him and occasionally co-operate with me. But sometimes, my son was my mother's enemy also. But, mostly, she was angry with me. All of the time. But, still, I am grateful for the time here that provided the catalyst to heal child-hood shame and guilt that had haunted me my entire life. I am grateful for "Cash" my really smart and sensitive dog who was adopted over a year ago. He became a loyal companion, a most welcome light and diversion into the world of dementia. As mother progressed deeper into her delusional world, I am grateful for all the new friends I discovered in my own virtual reality. So grateful - beyond the words to say.
I escaped into the world of Face-book, and my primary socialization became my Face-book friends. We have shared positive thoughts and inspiration. We have shared political opinions and aspirations. All we have shared is how I emotionally and psychologically survived the two and halve years care-taking my mother, as she grew more dependent, lived in a world peopled with delusions and paranoia, became increasing hostile, abusive, and combative.
This is a volumn of poetry and writing I wrote during this time of care-taking my mother. There are some poems included that were written in the past. There are political rants included. There are a few A Course In Miracles quotes in this volumn.
I am so grateful for all the posts that were shared with me that kept me uplifted and consolidating my spiritual path. Thank you friends for sharing your love and light with me. You were the source of my sanity.
I hope you enjoy this collection of original writing inspired by this most difficult walk of living with mother's progressing dementia. Blessings to all.
inspirational poetry


God is movement, 

the currency of life; 

the surface and the core; 

Light, Expansion, Initiation, Resolution, 

Abundant Good, Sustained ­ Well­being.


I rest in God.

In this Holy Instant I am safe.

I am blessed; 

well­being flows great avalanches. 

I open my mind and receive

the myriad blessings pouring through me now. 


I rest in God. 

The Love of God that I Am can only bless, 

being It's One and Only Nature.





personal, raw unedited journaling and poetry
Ties That Bind


When the future is revealed through premonition and angelic contact, it becomes the past, but leaves an empty void of longing in the present. Poetic letters to friends, family, institutions, etc. provide a picture of the struggle trying to find love within special, personal relationships and fulfillment in a world full of injustice.
A compilation of poetry written for friends and family over 40 years. Insight into domestic violence, dysfunctional relating, low self esteem, as well as Spirit guidance and our Spiritual Perfection. Interesting, powerful, thought provoking, personal raw journaling that shine a light on the constant, reliable, Love within all who wander lost relying on the illusions of the world for fulfillment.

A Walk With Revelation


Do you feel a huge emptiness, a void, a vacant feeling within?

Do you gasp when it appears and dread the pull and strength of the empty hole that causes you to grasp for an answer from the world, the space perceived outside of you? Do you desperately attempt to pull the outside world inside of you to fill the hole? Do you attempt to fill the emptiness with approval from other people, work, money, possessions, drugs, alcohol, and sex. Sometimes people try to fill the emptiness with things that are considered positive like exercise, healthy foods, vitamins, study, and religious fanaticism. You may have tried everything to stop the discomfort of the emptiness from the size of the hole. You try to fill it, and when you cannot fill it, you try to pull more of the outside world into you. If only it was the right person, the right job, the right house, the right, etc. etc. etc. You may even become very frustrated and angry from the deep empty feeling in the center of your heart. But you must continue to try to fill that empty space inside your heart, even in unhealthy ways. You are driven to search for fulfillment.

When we use our ego to search for fulfillment, we never succeed. “Search, but do not find” is the ego’s quest. If you searched and found the answers that would fill the emptiness within you, the ego would no longer be in control of the agenda. Belief in the ego’s guidance is the expansion of the hole within the heart. The ego is isolating, not joining. The ego is limiting, not supplying. The ego leads only to fear, never to love.

So we must turn away from following the ego and allow wholeness. Wholeness is the opposite of emptiness.

We are not the children of the arrogant ego. We are the creator of our egos. We made the ego to uphold our belief that we are separate individuals living in bodies. But the ego becomes more than the belief in separation. It becomes a cherished belief that we are special and better than another person. We constantly compare and seek to establish the truth of our special status. We devote our entire lives to proving this is so. We are the one correct, right person, deserving special love, privilege, recognition, and we live attempting to prove to all the rest that we are clearly the favored one, the special one. But the “special” ego projection, that drives us to prove we are special, is the foundation for competition, and competing to prove we are special only expands the emptiness and loneliness within us. And to prove we are “special” is entirely unnecessary to experience the fullness and Love that we are all created to be.




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